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| The properties are the settings used by the Machbase server and stored as key-value pairs in the $MACHBASE_HOME/conf/machbase.conf file. These values are set when the Machbase server starts and are used continuously during runtime. To change this value for performance tuning, you must understand the meaning of these values and set them carefully. CPU_AFFINITY_BEGIN_ID
| Value |
Minimum | 0 | Maximum | 2 ^ 32 - 1 | Default | 0 |
| Value |
Minimum | 0 | Maximum | 2 ^ 32 - 1 | Default | 0 |
| Value |
Minimum | 0 (auto detect the physically installed count of CPU on the system) | Maximum | 2^32 -1 | Default | 0 |
CPU_PARALLELSpecifies the number of threads to spawn per CPU. If this value is 2 and the number of CPUs is 2, then two parallel threads are created per CPU, so the number of parallel processing threads is four. If this value is too large, memory can be consumed quickly.
| Value |
Minimum | 1 | Maximum | 2^32 -1 | Default | 1 |
DBS_PATHSpecifies the path where the basic data of the Machbase server will be stored. The default is "? Dbs", which means $MACHBASE_HOME/dbs . DEFAULT_LSM_MAX_LEVELSets the base level of the LSM index. If you do not enter a MAX_LEVEL value when creating an index, this value applies.
| Value |
Minimum | 0 | Maximum | 3 | Default | 2 |
| Value |
Minimum | 1 | Maximum | 4G (4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) | Default | 16 |
| Value |
Minimum | 1 (sec) | Maximum | 2^32 -1 (sec) | Default | 120 (sec) |
| Value |
Minimum | 0 | Maximum | 2^32 -1 | Default | 0 |
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| ui-text-box | Index
Table of Contents |
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exclude | 목차 |
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