Section | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Displays memory information of the system.
Column Name | Description |
ID | Memory manager identifier |
NAME | Memory manager name |
USAGE | Current usage |
MAX_USAGE | (Recorded) Maximum usage |
Displays statistical information of the system.
Column Name | Description |
ID | Statistical information identifier |
NAME | Statistical information name |
VALUE | Statistical information value |
Displays the time information of the system.
Column Name | Description |
ID | Performance unit identifier |
NAME | Performance unit name |
ACCUM_TICK | Cumulative time |
AVG_TICK | Average time (per each performance unit) |
MIN_TICK | Minimum Time (per each performance unit) |
MAX_TICK | Maximum Time (per each performance unit) |
COUNT | Performance frequency |
Displays information about the query statement that the user is currently executing.
Column Name | Description |
ID | Query identifier |
SESS_ID | Performed query session identifier |
STATE | Query status |
RECORD_SIZE | Resulting record size of select statements |
QUERY | Query statement |
Displays information about Machbase version.
Column Name | Description |
BINARY_DB_MAJOR_VERSION | Database major version |
BINARY_DB_MINOR_VERSION | Database minor version |
BINARY_CM_MAJOR_VERSION | Client (Communication Level) major version |
BINARY_CM_MINOR_VERSION | Client (Communication Level) minor version |
BINARY_SIGNATURE | Version name of DB data files. |
FILE_DB_MAJOR_VERSION | File DB major version |
FILE_DB_MINOR_VERSION | File DB minor version |
FILE_META_MAJOR_VERSION | File META major version |
FILE_META_MINOR_VERSION | File META minor version |
FILE_CM_MAJOR_VERSION | File Client (Communication Level) major version |
FILE_CM_MINOR_VERSION | File Client (Communication Level) minor version |
FILE_CREATE_TIME | File creation time |
EDITION | Machbase type |
Result Cache
Display the result cache list.
Column Name | Description |
TOUCH_TIME | Time cache was used or created |
USER_ID | Cache user identifier |
QUERY | Cache query statement |
TIME_SPENT | Time spent producing result |
TABLE_COUNT | Number of tables associated with query statement |
RECORD_COUNT | Number of result records |
REFERENCE_COUNT | Number of sessions currently being referenced |
HIT_COUNT | Cache hit count |
AGGR_TOUCH_TIME | Time the cache was used or created for aggregate results |
AGGR_HIT_COUNT | Cache hit count for aggregate results |
Display statistical information of result cache in one session.
Column Name | Description |
CACHE_COUNT | Number of result caches |
CACHE_HIT | Total cache hit count |
AGGR_HIT | Total cache hit count for aggregate results |
CACHE_REPLACED | Cache replacement count |
CACHE_MEMORY_USAGE | Size of cache memory used |
Displays internal information of the storage system.
Column Name | Description |
DC_TABLE_FILE_SIZE | Total capacity of disk column data |
DC_INDEX_FILE_SIZE | Total capacity of index file data |
DC_TABLESPACE_DWFILE_SIZE | Total capacity of DWFILE for all column data |
DC_KV_TABLE_FILE_SIZE | Total number of data files of TAGDATA table partition tables |
Displays the information of the mounted backup database using the mount function.
Column Name | Description |
NAME | Mounted database name |
PATH | Backup file location |
BACKUP_TBSID | Backup database tablespace identifier |
BACKUP_SCN | Backup database identifier |
MOUNTDB | Backup time |
DB_BEGIN_TIME | Backup database first entry time |
DB_END_TIME | Backup database last entry time |
BACKUP_BEGIN_TIME | Backup begin time |
BACKUP_END_TIME | Backup end time |
FLAG | Property flag |
Displays the comprehensive information on the cache objects containing the results read from the storage system.
Column Name | Description |
OBJ_COUNT | Current number of result set cache objects |
Displays information about each cache object that contains the results read from the storage system.
Column Name | Description |
OID | Object identifier |
REF_COUNT | Reference count |
FLAG | (Internal server use flag) |
Displays the table space information of the storage system.
Column Name | Description |
NAME | Tablespace name |
ID | Tablespace identifier |
FLAG | Flag indicating tablespace property |
REF_COUNT | Tablespace reference count |
DISK_COUNT | Tablespace disk count |
Displays the table space information of the storage system.
Column Name | Description |
NAME | Disk name |
ID | Disk identifier |
TABLESPACE_ID | Disk tablespace identifier |
PATH | Disk path |
IO_THREAD_COUNT | I/O Thread count |
IO_JOB_COUNT | I/O Job count |
VIRTUAL_DISK_COUNT | Virtual disk count |
Displays the information of the double-write file (DW File) operated by the storage system.
Column Name | Description |
TBS_ID | Tablespace identifier |
DISK_ID | Disk identifier |
FILE | File path |
TABLE_ID | Table identifier |
COLUMN_ID | Column identifier |
PARTITION_ID | Partition identifier |
PAGE_ID | Page identifier |
DISK_OFFSET | Disk offset |
DISK_IMAGE_SIZE | Disk image size |
HEAD_CRC32CODE_IMAGE | Head CRC32 Code Image |
TAIL_CRC32CODE_IMAGE | Tail CRC32 Code Image |
CRC32CODE_PAGE | CRC32 Code Page |
HEAD_TIMESTAMP_PAGE | Head Timestamp Page |
TAIL_TIMESTAMP_PAGE | Tail Timestamp Page |
Displays information about the Page Cache operating on the storage system
Column Name | Description |
MAX_MEM_SIZE | Maximum memory size of Page Cache |
CUR_MEM_SIZE | Current memory size of Page Cache |
PAGE_CNT | Number of cached pages |
CHECK_TIME | Check time |
Displays information about the LRU List of Page Cache operated by the storage system.
Column Name | Description |
OBJECT_ID | Object identifier |
LEVEL | Partition level |
PARTITION_ID | Partition identifier |
OFFSET | Page Cache Offset |
SIZE | Page size |
REF_CNT | Reference count |
Displays the amount of storage used by the storage system.
Column Name | Description |
TOTAL_SPACE | Total storage capacity where the $MACHBASE_HOME/dbs directory is located |
USED_SPACE | Total storage usage where the $MACHBASE_HOME/dbs directory is located |
USED_RATIO | Percentage of usage(%) |
RATIO_CAP | Storage usage limit. Data input/index construction stops when USED_RATIO reaches this limit. |
Display table details.
Column Name | Description |
ID | Table ID |
TYPE | Table type
STATUS | 현재 상태
STORAGE_USAGE | Capacity occupied by the table in storage |
Log Table
Displays internal information about Log Table.
Column Name | Description |
ID | Table identifier |
DATABASE_ID | Database identifier |
CREATE_SCN | System Change Number at time of creation |
UPDATE_SCN | System Change Number at time of most recent update |
DDL_REF_COUNT | Number of sessions referencing table in DDL syntax execution |
BEGIN_RID | Minimum table RID |
END_RID | Last row ID of table + 1 |
BEGIN_META_RID | ID at start of recording meta information |
END_META_RID | ID at end of recording meta information |
END_SYNC_RID | Last row ID recorded on disk + 1 |
FLAG | Flag indicating table property |
COLUMN_COUNT | Table column count |
INDEX_COUNT | Table index count |
INDEX_MIN_END_RID | Last RID recorded in index + 1 |
LAST_ARRIVAL_TIME | Last recorded _arrival_time value |
LAST_CHECKPOINT_TIME | Last checkpoint time |
TYPE | Table type |
REMAINING_ROW_COUNT | Number of records not deleted when using auto delete |
KEPT_DURATION | How long to keep data when using auto delete function |
Displays internal information about Log Table.
Column Name | Description |
TABLESPACE_ID | Tablespace identifier |
TABLE_ID | Table identifier |
COLUMN_ID | Column identifier |
COUNT | Record count |
Displays information about the columns in the Log Table.
Column Name | Description |
TABLE_ID | Table identifier |
DATABASE_ID | Database identifier |
ID | Column identifier |
FLAG | Property flag |
SIZE | Column data size |
PARTITION_VALUE_COUNT | Maximum number of data stored in partition |
PAGE_VALUE_COUNT | Maximum number of data stored in page |
CACHE_VALUE_COUNT | Maximum number of cache values |
MINMAX_CACHE_SIZE | Maximum size of MIN / MAX cache for column partitions |
CUR_APPEND_PARTITION_ID | Current partition in progress of input identifier |
CUR_CACHE_PARTITION_COUNT | Number of partitions that have read data in current cache |
CUR_MINMAX_CACHE_SIZE | Current Min / MAX cache size |
END_RID_FOR_DEFAULT_VALUE | Location value of end rid maintaining default value |
DISK_FILE_SIZE | Total size of column partition data file for that column |
MEMORY_TOTAL_SIZE | Memory size used by table |
MEMORY_ALLOC_SIZE | Memory size allocated by table |
Displays column partition information of log table.
Column Name | Description |
TABLE_ID | Table identifier |
DATABASE_ID | Database identifier |
COLUMN_ID | Column identifier |
ID | Partition identifier |
FLAG | Flag indicating column property |
BEGIN_RID | First RID stored in partition |
END_RID | Last RID stored in partition |
END_SYNC_RID | Last RID SYNC ended. Data with a RID greater than the starting RID and less than the last SYNC RID is recorded in the partition file. |
MIN_TIME | First time data was entered into column partition |
MAX_TIME | Last time data was entered into column partition |
MAX_VALUE_COUNT_PER_PARTITION | Maximum partition data count |
MAX_VALUE_COUNT_PER_PAGE | Maximum page data count |
MAX_PAGE_COUNT | Maximum partition page count |
PAGE_SIZE | Page size stored in column partition |
PAGE_COUNT | Page count created in current column partition |
COMPRESS_RATIO | Column partition compression ratio. If it is 0, data compression has not been performed yet. |
DISK_FILENAME | Partition file name |
EXTERNAL_PART_SIZE | A large amount of data is written to the external partition file, indicating the size of the file |
MIN_VALUE | Minimum column partition value |
MAX_VALUE | Maximum column partition value |
Displays index information generated in Log Table.
Column Name | Description |
TABLE_ID | Table identifier |
DATABASE_ID | Database identifier |
ID | Index identifier |
FLAG | Flag indicating index property |
TABLE_BEGIN_RID | First RID entered into table |
TABLE_END_RID | Last table RID |
BEGIN_RID | First index RID |
END_RID | Last index RID |
END_SYNC_RID | Last recorded RID in file + 1 |
COLUMN_COUNT | Index column count |
BEGIN_PART_ID | Index first partition identifier |
END_PART_ID | Index last partition identifier |
FLUSH_REQUEST_COUNT | Number of index partitions requested to reflect on disk |
MAX_KEY_SIZE | Maximum key size |
INDEX_TYPE | Index type |
DISK_FILE_SIZE | Total size of index partition file for that index |
LAST_CHECKPOINT_TIME | Last checkpoint time |
LSM(Log Structured Merge) Index
Displays information about LSM Index partitions.
Column Name | Description |
TABLE ID | Index table identifier |
TABLESPACE_ID | Tablespace identifier |
INDEX_ID | Index identifier |
LEVEL | Index partition LSM level |
PARTITION_ID | Partition identifier |
BEGIN_RID | First RID entered into partition |
END_RID | Last RID entered into partition + 1 |
KEY_VALUE_COUNT | Key value count entered into partition |
KEY_VALUE_TABLE_SIZE | Size of page storing key value |
KEY_VALUE_TABLE_PAGE_COUNT | Number of pages storing key value |
MIN_KEY_VALUE | Minimum key value |
MAX_KEY_VALUE | Maximum key value |
BITMAP_TABLE_SIZE | Total size of page storing bitmap value |
BITMAP_TABLE_PAGE_COUNT | Number of pages storing bitmap value |
META_SIZE | Total size of page storing meta information |
META_PAGE_COUNT | Number of pages storing meta information |
TOTAL_BUILD_MSEC | Total time to complete partition |
KEYVAL_BUILD_MSEC | Total time to complete partition for KeyValue Mode |
BITMAP_BUILD_MSEC | Total time to complete partition for Bitmap Mode |
Displays information about the LSM Index partition cache.
Column Name | Description |
TABLESPACE_ID | Tablespace identifier |
TABLE_ID | Index Table identifier |
INDEX_ID | Index identifier |
LEVEL | Index partition LSM level |
PARTITION_ID | Partition identifier |
BEGIN_RID | First RID entered into partition |
END_RID | Last RID entered into partition + 1 |
KEY_VALUE_COUNT | Number of key values entered into partition |
KEY_VALUE_TABLE_SIZE | Size of page storing key value |
KEY_VALUE_TABLE_PAGE_COUNT | Number of pages storing key value |
BITMAP_TABLE_SIZE | Total size of page storing bitmap value |
BITMAP_TABLE_PAGE_COUNT | Number of pages storing bitmap value |
META_SIZE | Total size of page storing meta information |
META_PAGE_COUNT | Number of pages storing meta information |
MEMORY_SIZE | Memory usage |
MEMORY_SIZE_RBTREE | Redblack Tree memory usage |
Displays information about the level of the LSM index.
Column Name | Description |
TABLE ID | Table identifier |
DATABASE_ID | Database identifier |
INDEX_ID | Index identifier |
LEVEL | Level |
BEGIN_RID | First partition RID |
END_RID | Last partition RID + 1 |
META_BEGIN_RID | RID at start time of recording meta information |
META_END_RID | RID at end time of recording meta information |
DELETE_END_RID | Maximum deleted RID + 1 |
Displays information about the files that make up the LSM Index.
Column Name | Description |
TABLE_ID | Table identifier |
DATABASE_ID | Database identifier |
INDEX_ID | Index identifier |
LEVEL | Index partition LSM level |
PARTITION_ID | Partition identifier |
BEGIN_RID | Partition first RID |
END_RID | Partition last RID + 1 |
PATH | Index file location |
Displays working status of Ager responsible for LSM Index deletion.
Column Name | Description |
TABLE_ID | Table identifier |
INDEX_ID | Index identifier |
LEVEL | Index partition LSM level |
BEGIN_RID | First partition RID |
END_RID | Last partition RID + 1 |
STATE | Index Ager working status |
Volatile Table
Displays information about Volatile Table.
Column Name | Description |
MAX_MEM_SIZE | Maximum Volatile Tablespace size |
CUR_MEM_SIZE | Current Volatile Tablespace size |
Tag Table
Displays information about the partition table in the Tagdata Table.
Column Name | Description |
ID | Table identifier |
TABLE_BEGIN_RID | Table start RID |
TABLE_END_RID | Table end RID |
WRITE_END_RID | Last RID which is written to data file. |
EXT_ROW_COUNT | Number of entries to external partitions in VARCHAR records |
EXT_WRITE_COUNT | Number of entries to data files in VARCHAR records |
DISK_INDEX_END_RID | Index end RID stored in storage |
MEMORY_INDEX_END_RID | Table end RID in memory index |
DELETE_MIN_DATE | Minimum time of deleted data by execute DELETE BETWEEN query |
DELETE_MAX_DATE | Maximum time of deleted data by execute DELETE BETWEEN/BEFORE query |
INDEX_STATE | Current Index Build Stats
DELETE_STATE | Current DELETE operation state.
SAVE_STATE | Current Table Save operation state.
Displays the cache information used in the partition table of the Tagdata Table.
Column Name | Description |
CATEGORY | Type of object in cache |
USED_MEMORY | Size of memory in use |
BLOCK_COUNT | Data cache count |
CACHE_HIT | Data cache hit count |
CACHE_MISS | Data cache miss count |
FLUSHOUT | Number of page flushouts due to data cache crash |
COLDREAD | Number of data pages read directly from storage |
MEMORY_WAIT | Number of times data memory waited for cache crash |
IO_WAIT | Data read operation wait count |
Displays detailed information about each cache block used in the partition table of the Tagdata Table.
컬럼 이름Column Name | 설명Description |
CATEGORY | Object classification being cached |
LATEST_HIT | Last approach time |
STATUS | Cache status
WAIT_COUNT | The number of waiting times because the cache could not be read in the Loading state |
REF_COUNT | Number of sessions currently referencing the cache block |
HIT_COUNT | Number of times a cache block was referenced |
TABLE_ID | Table Identifier |
FILE_ID | File Identifier |
PART_ID | Partition identifier inside the datafile |
SAVE_SCN | SCN of table save |
VSAVE_SCN | SCN of table save |
DELETE_SCN | SCN of delete operation |
OFFSET | Datafile offset |
DATA_SIZE | Data size before compression, or 0 |
Displays the file information of the partition table of the Tag Table.
Column Name | Description |
TABLE_ID | Table identifier |
FILE_ID | File identifier |
STATE | Index status
REF_COUNT | Number of sessions currently referencing the file |
ROW_COUNT | Number of records stored in the file, including those that were deleted |
DEL_COUNT | Number of records deleted from the file |
MIN_DATE | Minimum datatime value of this data file. |
MAX_DATE | Maximum datatime value of this data file. |
Tag Rollup
Displays the Rollup information that stores statistical information of the Tagdata table.
Column Name | Description |
ID | Rollup job ID |
ROLLUP_TABLE_NAME | Table name to store Rollup information |
SOURCE_TABLE_NAME | Name of tag table that Rollup will query |
END_RID | Source Table end RID |
ENABLED | Indicates Rollup progress status |
LAST_INSERTED_ROW_COUNT | Number of recently entered records |
Displays the rollup status of the Tagdata table.
Column Name | Description |
SRC_TABLE | Name of table that Rollup will query |
ROLLUP_TABLE | Name of table that Rollup will store |
ENABLED | Indicates Rollup progress status |
ROLLUP_END_RID | End RID of Rollup save table |
LAST_ELAPSED_MSEC | Elapsed recent Rollup time |
Column Name | Description |
NAME | The name of stream query. |
LAST_EX_TIME | Last execution time of this query. |
TABLE_NAME | The name of table which searched from the query |
END_RID | The last RID read by stream query |
STATE | Current state of stream query |
QUERY_TXT | Query text |
ERROR_MSG | Error message of the last stream execution |
FREQUENCY | Minimum wait time for query execution. If it is 0, it is executed every record. If it is not 0, it is executed each time. The unit is nanoseconds. |
Displays license information.
Column Name | Description |
INSTALL_DATE | Installation date |
TYPE | License type |
POLICY | License policy type |
CUSTOMER | Customer name |
ISSUE_DATE | Issue date |
ID | Host ID |
EXPIRY_DATE | Expiration date |
SIZE_LIMIT | Work input limit |
ADDENDUM | Additional data rate |
VIOLATION_ACTION | Indicates license violation |
VIOLATION_LIMIT | Number of violations to suspend service (monthly update) |
STOP_ACTION | Indicates database is terminated in the event of license violation |
RESET_FLAG | (Internal server use) |
Displays the license status.
Column Name | Description |
USER_DATA_PER_DAY | Amount of data that can be entered per day |
PREVIOUS_CHECK_DATE | Previous license check date |
VIOLATION_COUNT | License violation count |
STOP_ENABLED | Display whether license restrictions are enabled or not. |
Displays current mutex status.
Column Name | Description | Note |
OBJECT | Address of the mutex object | |
NAME | The name given when creating the mutex | |
TYPE | Mutex type |
OWNER | ID of the thread that acquired the mutex |
LOCK_COUNT | Number of threads that acquired the mutex |
PEND_COUNT | Number of threads waiting to acquire a mutex |
TRY_COUNT | Number of attempts to acquire the mutex |
CONFLICT_COUNT | Number of failed to acquire mutex |
WAIT_TICK | Sum of waiting time to acquire mutex |
WAIT_TICK_AVG | Average time to success after an attempt to acquire a mutex |
HELD_TICK | Total time from acquiring the mutex to releasing it |
HELD_TICK_AVG | Average time from acquisition to release of mutex |
Shows the call stack of the currently waiting mutex.
Column Name | Description | Note |
THREAD_ID | ID of the thread waiting to acquire the mutex | |
OBJECT | Address of the mutex being acquired |
DEPTH | Call stack depth |
SYMBOL | Symbol of function that called acquire mutex |
Displays the Node status for each Cluster. Only one is displayed.
Column Name | Description |
NODETYPE | Node type. There are two types that can be viewed by queries.
STATE | Node status |
Displays DDL information performed by Cluster.
Column Name | Description |
SEQUENCENUMBER | DDL sequence number |
TIME | DDL execution time |
VALUE | DDL query result value (Internal server use) |
CLIENT | Client name |
BROKER | Lead Broker Node name |
USER | User name |
SQL | DDL query value |
Displays information about the replication operation.
Column Name | Description |
HOSTNAME | Replication Node Hostname |
MODE | (Internal server use) |
STATE | Node status |
ADDR | Replication Manager address |
PORT_NO | Replication Manager port number |
MAX_SENDER_COUNT | Maximum number of Senders that can be created |
RUN_SENDER_COUNT | Maximum number of active Senders |
Displays Sender replication when running Replication.
Column Name | Description |
HOSTNAME | Replication Node Hostname |
ID | Sender identifier |
STATUS | Sender operational status |
PAYLOAD_RECV_COUNT | Number of payloads received from sender |
PAYLOAD_RECV_BYTES | Total payload size received from Sender |
QUEUE_REMAIN_COUNT | Number of buffers remaining in the Receive Queue |
NET_SEND_COUNT | Net send count |
NET_SEND_SIZE | Net send size |
NET_RECV_COUNT | Net receive count |
NET_RECV_SIZE | Net receive size |
Displays Sender metadata when running Replication.
Column Name | Description |
HOSTNAME | Replication Node Hostname |
SENDER_ID | Sender identifier |
TABLE_ID | Target table identifier |
TABLE_TYPE | Target table type |
BEGIN_RID | Target record start RID |
END_RID | Target record end RID |
Displays Receiver information when running Replication.
Column Name | Description |
HOSTNAME | Replication Node Hostname |
STATUS | Receiver operational status |
PAYLOAD_RECV_COUNT | Number of payloads received from sender |
PAYLOAD_RECV_BYTES | Total payload size received from Sender |
QUEUE_REMAIN_COUNT | Number of buffers remaining in the Receive Queue |
NET_SEND_COUNT | Net send count |
NET_SEND_SIZE | Net send size |
NET_RECV_COUNT | Net receive count |
NET_RECV_SIZE | Net receive size |
Displays Receiver metadata when running Replication.
Column Name | Description |
HOSTNAME | Replication Node Hostname |
TABLE_ID | Target table identifier |
TABLE_TYPE | Target table type |
BEGIN_RID | Target record start RID |
END_RID | Target record end RID |
Displays Reader information when running Replication.
Column Name | Description |
HOSTNAME | Replication Node Hostname |
SENDER_ID | Sender identifier |
ID | Reader identifier |
STATUS | Reader operation status |
Displays Reader metadata when running Replication.
Column Name | Description |
HOSTNAME | Replication Node Hostname |
SENDER_ID | Sender identifier |
ID | Reader identifier |
TABLE_ID | Target table identifier |
TABLE_TYPE | Target table type |
BEGIN_RID | Target record start RID |
END_RID | Target record end RID |
Displays Writer information when running Replication.
Column Name | Description |
HOSTNAME | Replication Node Hostname |
ID | Writer identifier |
STATUS | Writer operational status |
Displays Writer metadata when running Replication.
Column Name | Description |
HOSTNAME | Replication Node Hostname |
ID | Writer identifier |
TABLE_ID | Target table identifier |
TABLE_TYPE | Target table type |
BEGIN_RID | Target record start RID |
END_RID | Target record end RID |
Displays all Virtual Tables that start with "V$".
Column Name | Description |
NAME | Table name |
TYPE | Table type |
DATABASE_ID | Database identifier |
ID | Table identifier |
USER ID | User who created table |
COLCOUNT | Column count |
Displays column information of Virtual Tables.
Column Name | Description |
NAME | Column name |
TYPE | Column data type |
DATABASE_ID | Database identifier |
ID | Column identifier |
LENGTH | Column size |
TABLE_ID | Table identifier |
FLAG | Private data |