Info |
설치과정에서 의존성 문제가 발생하면, 다음 명령어로 설치한다.If you have dependency problems during installation, you can install them with the following command: root@ubuntu:/usr/local/src# sudo apt-get install -f root@ubuntu:/usr/local/src# sudo dpkg -i |
설치가 완료되면 When the installation is complete, the / opt / machbase 폴더가 생성이 되고 기본 포트는 5656 으로 설정된다. 이후 데이터베이스가 생성되고 마크베이스 서버와 MWA 웹서버가 자동으로 실행된다.
마크베이스 디렉터리 내부에는 최신 버전으로 심볼릭 링크가 되어 있는 current 라는 디렉터리가 있고, versions 디렉터리에는 마크베이스 버전 별로 파일들이 위치해 있다folder is created and the default port is set to 5656. After that, the database is created and the Machbase server and the MWA Web server are automatically executed.
In the Machbase directory, there is a directory named 'current' which is a symbolic link to the latest version. In the versions directory, files are located according to the Machbase version.
Code Block |
root@ubuntu:/usr/local/src# cd /opt/machbase
root@ubuntu:/opt/machbase# ls -l
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 Jan 3 00:25 current -> /opt/machbase/versions/5.1.9
drwxrwxr-x 3 machbase machbase 4096 Jan 3 00:25 versions
root@ubuntu:/opt/machbase# |
마크베이스 삭제하기
마크베이스 삭제는 아래 명령어로 수행하면 된다
Deleting Machbase
To delete Machbase, use the following command.
Code Block |
root@ubuntu:/opt/machbase# sudo dpkg -r machbase |
마크베이스 사용하기
마크베이스를 deb 로 설치하면
Managing Machbase
If you install the Machbase server using deb, the /etc/init.d/machbased 스크립트 파일이 설치되고 이 파일을 이용하여 마크베이스를 편리하게 관리할 수 있다.지원하는 기본 기능들은 아래 명령어로 확인한다script file is installed and you can manage it conveniently.
The basic functions to be supported are as follows.
Code Block |
root@ubuntu:/opt/machbase# cd /etc/init.d
root@ubuntu:/etc/init.d# sudo service machbased
Usage: /etc/init.d/machbased {start|stop|kill|restart|createdb|destroydb|check|MWA|console|port|exe|collector|help}
root@ubuntu:/etc/init.d# |
서버 시작
마크베이스 서버를 시작한다.
Start Server
Start the Machbase server. It is the same as machadmin -u 와 같은 기능이다.
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased start
Machbase Administration Tool
Release Version - x.x.x.official
Copyright 2014, MACHBASE Corp. or its subsidiaries
All Rights Reserved
Waiting for Machbase server start.
Machbase server started successfully.
[root@localhost ~]$ |
서버 종료
마크베이스 서버를 정상 종료한다.
Shut Down Server
Shut down the Machbase server normally. It is the same as machadmin -s 와 같은 기능이다.
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased stop
Machbase Administration Tool
Release Version - x.x.x.official
Copyright 2014, MACHBASE Corp. or its subsidiaries
All Rights Reserved
Waiting for Machbase server shut down...
Machbase server shut down successfully.
[root@localhost ~]$ |
서버 중단
마크베이스 서버를 강제 종료한다.
Stop Server
Force the Machbase server to abort. It is the same as machadmin -k 와 같은 기능이다.
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased kill
Machbase Administration Tool
Release Version - x.x.x.official
Copyright 2014, MACHBASE Corp. or its subsidiaries
All Rights Reserved
Waiting for Machbase server terminated.
Machbase server terminated successfully.
[root@localhost ~]$ |
서버 재시작
마크베이스 서버를 정상 종료하고 재실행한다.
Restart Server
Shut down normally and re-start the Machbase server.
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased restart
Machbase Administration Tool
Release Version - x.x.x.official
Copyright 2014, MACHBASE Corp. or its subsidiaries
All Rights Reserved
Waiting for Machbase server shut down...
Machbase server shut down successfully.
Machbase Administration Tool
Release Version - x.x.x.official
Copyright 2014, MACHBASE Corp. or its subsidiaries
All Rights Reserved
Waiting for Machbase server start.
Machbase server started successfully.
[root@localhost ~]$ |
데이터베이스 생성
마크베이스 데이터베이스를 생성한다.
Create Database
Create a Machbase database. It is the same as machadmin -c 와 같은 기능이다.
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased createdb
Machbase Administration Tool
Release Version - x.x.x.official
Copyright 2014, MACHBASE Corp. or its subsidiaries
All Rights Reserved
Database created successfully.
[root@localhost ~]$ |
데이터베이스 삭제
마크베이스 데이터베이스를 삭제한다.
Delete Database
Delete the Machbase database. It is the same as machadmin -d 와 같은 기능이다.
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased destroydb
Machbase Administration Tool
Release Version - x.x.x.official
Copyright 2014, MACHBASE Corp. or its subsidiaries
All Rights Reserved
Destroy Machbase database. Are you sure?(y/N) y
Database destoryed successfully.
[root@localhost ~]$ |
서버 상태 체크
마크베이스 서버 구동 상태를 확인한다.
Check Server Status
Check the status of the Machbase server operation. It is the same as machadmin -e 와 같은 기능이다.
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased check
Machbase Administration Tool
Release Version - x.x.x.official
Copyright 2014, MACHBASE Corp. or its subsidiaries
All Rights Reserved
Machbase server is running with PID(23542).
[root@localhost ~]$ |
관리마크베이스 Management
These are the commands related to the MWA (Machbase Web Analytics) 웹서버와 관련된 명령어이다web server.
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased MWA
start | restart | stop | reset | port
# Start the MWA 서버를 실행한다server.
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased MWA start
Connection URL :
# Shut down the MWA 서버를 종료한다server.
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased MWA stop
# Change the MWA 서버server 포트를 변경한다port.
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased MWA port 5050
# MWA 서버를 종료하고 재실행한다 Shut down and restart the MWA server.
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased MWA restart
Connection URL :
[root@localhost ~]$ |
서버 포트 변경
마크베이스 서버의 포트를 변경한다. 해당 명령어를 실행시 변경할 포트를 입력하면 해당 포트로 변경된다. 포트 변경 이후에는 마크베이스 서버를 재시작하여야 적용된다.
Change Server Port
Change the port of the Machbase server. If you execute the command and enter the port to be changed, it changes to that port. After the port change, you must restart the Machbase server to apply
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased port
The default port for the Machbase server is 5656. If you want to use 5656 as Machbase server port, press return key. Otherwise enter an alternative port here:
Use current port.
[root@localhost ~]$ |
관리Machcollector를 관리하기 위한 명령어들이다Management
These are the commands to manage Machcollector.
Code Block |
[root@localhost ~]$ sudo service machbased collector
List of commands:
* machbased collector start
Machcollectormanager starts.
* machbased collector stop
Machcollectormanager shutdown.
* machbased collector kill
Terminate Machcollectormanager.
* machbased collector destroy
Destroy Machcollectormanager meta data.
* machbased collector add_server
Add an Machbase server to Machcollectormanager.
* machbased collector port
Change the default port. Now: 9999
[root@localhost ~]$ |