Table of Contents | ||||||
이 API는 원하는 Tag들의 최소 시간값, 최대 시간값을 얻는 API이다.
Optional | Type | Description | Example |
tag_name | string | tag name with , separatorTag의 이름. 여러개를 명시하려면 ',' 문자를 이용하여 나열할 수 있다. | &tag_name=tag1,tag2,tag3 |
date_format | string | date format of select time | &date_format=YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS (default : YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) |
separator | string | separator for 매개변수의 tag_name, columns, and_conditioncondition들을 구분하는 구분자 | &separator=| (default : ,) |
value_return_form | int | result set format Optimized for various chart libraries and configured to return결과 출력 방법 차트 라이브러리에서 입력받는 방식에 따라 변경하여 사용함 | 0 : separate standard (default) |
Code Block |
Status 200 // return format = 0 { "status": "success", "data": { "columns": [ {"length": 4096, "name": "MIN", "type": 5}, {"length": 4096, "name": "MAX", "type": 5} ], "samples": [ { "tag_name": "tag_02", "data": [ { "MAX": "2021-07-06 12:12:27", "MIN": "2021-06-16 11:36:44" } ] }, { "tag_name": "tag_01", "data": [ { "MAX": "2021-07-06 12:12:25", "MIN": "2021-06-15 17:52:35" } ] } ] } } // return format = 1 { "status": "success", "data": { "columns": [ {"length": 4096, "name": "MIN", "type": 5}, {"length": 4096, "name": "MAX", "type": 5} ], "samples": [ { "tag_name": "tag_02", "data": { "MAX": ["2021-07-06 12:12:27"], "MIN": ["2021-06-16 11:36:44"] } }, { "tag_name": "tag_01", "data": { "MAX": ["2021-07-06 12:12:25"], "MIN": ["2021-06-15 17:52:35"] } } ] } } |
Sample Code
Type |
title | window(batch) |
Code Block |
chcp 65001
:: Text Encoding to UTF-8 in CMD
:: Example For Select Data by Time Range for tag API by using curl in window script
:: written by yeony kim
set CONTENT_HEADER="Content-Type: application/json"
set API_HEADER="x-api-key: %API_KEY%"
set URL=""
:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::
:: CASE - Current DATA GET with date format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS mmm:uuu:nnn
set TAG_NAME=sensor1,sensor2
set DATE_FORMAT=YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS mmm:uuu:nnn
curl -k -G %URL% -H %CONTENT_HEADER% -H %API_HEADER% --data-urlencode "tag_name=%TAG_NAME%" --data-urlencode "date_format=%DATE_FORMAT%"
:: Return Format
:: {"data":{"columns":[{"length":4096,"name":"MIN","type":5},{"length":4096,"name":"MAX","type":5}],"samples":[{"data":[{"MAX":"2021-01-07 02:00:00 009:000:000","MIN":"2021-01-06 17:00:00 000:000:000"}],"tag_name":"sensor2"},{"data":[{"MAX":"2021-01-06 20:00:06 000:000:000","MIN":"2021-01-06 17:00:00 001:000:000"}],"tag_name":"sensor1"}]},"status":"success"}
:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::
:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::
:: CASE - Current DATA GET with date format nanosecond timestamp
set TAG_NAME=sensor1,sensor2
curl -k -G %URL% -H %CONTENT_HEADER% -H %API_HEADER% --data-urlencode "tag_name=%TAG_NAME%" --data-urlencode "date_format=%DATE_FORMAT%"
:: Return Format
:: {"data":{"columns":[{"length":20,"name":"MIN","type":12},{"length":20,"name":"MAX","type":12}],"samples":[{"data":[{"MAX":1609952400009000000,"MIN":1609920000000000000}],"tag_name":"sensor2"},{"data":[{"MAX":1609930806000000000,"MIN":1609920000001000000}],"tag_name":"sensor1"}]},"status":"success"}
:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::
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title | python |
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