This API gets the most recent raw value entered in the specified tag. For more details, refer to the parameter below.
HTTP Request
Optional | Type | Description | Example |
tag_name | string | tag name with , separator | &tag_name=tag1,tag2,tag3 |
date_format | string | date format of select time | &date_format=YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS (default : YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) |
columns | string | columns to filter out | &columns=value,value2 (default : value) |
separator | string | separator for tag_name, columns, and_condition | &separator=| (default : ,) |
aliases | string | columns to be aliased (If Empty orthe columns is incorrect, an error will occur) | &aliases=myvalue,myvalu2 |
value_return_form | int | result set format Optimized for various chart libraries and configured to return | 0 : separate standard (default) |