Tag ID별로 정렬된 센서 데이터를 Tag ID를 칼럼으로 설정한 ROW형태로 변환하는 API이다.
HTTP Request
GET https://${CloudVendor}.${CountryCode}.machlake.com/lakes/${lake_id}/values/pivoted Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8 x-api-key: {API Key}
Optional | Type | Description | Example |
tag_name | string | tag name with , separator | &tag_name=tag1,tag2,tag3 |
calc_mode | string | min,max,cnt,avg,sum | &calc_mode=min (default : avg) |
date_format | string | date format of select time | &date_format=YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS (default : YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) |
start_time | string | start time of select (MUST be less than end_time!) type 1 : time string format
type 2 : timestamp (second or millisecond)
| &start_time=2018-01-16 14:40:05 000
end_time | string | end time of select (MUST be more than start_time!)
| same as start_time |
interval_type | string | sec,min,hour,day (or s,m,h,d) | &interval_type=hour (default : sec) |
interval_value | int | duration value | &interval_value=10 (default : 1) |
limit | int | count of display | &limit=1000 (default : Restricted by 'lake tier' by lake tier) |
offset | int | count of skip | &offset=500 |
direction | int | ascend or descent by time | &direction=0 |
value_return_form | int | result set format Optimized for various chart libraries and configured to return | 0 : separate standard (default) 1 : merged standard |
Request Example
GET https://aws1.us.machlake.com/lakes/xbacd1234/values/pivoted?tag_name=tag_01,tag_02&calc_mode=avg&date_format=YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS&start_time=2021-06-16 11:35:00&end_time=2021-07-06 12:12:28&interval_type=min&limit=1000&value_return_form=0 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8 x-api-key: {API Key}
Response Example
Status 200 // return format = 0 { "status": "success", "data": { "calc_mode": "AVG", "columns": [ {"name": "TIME", "type": 5, "length": 4096}, {"name": "tag_01", "type": 20, "length": 17}, {"name": "tag_02", "type": 20, "length": 17} ], "samples": [ { "data": [ { "TIME": "2021-06-16 11:36:00", "tag_01": 1515.4806, "tag_02": 1524.3684 }, { "TIME": "2021-06-16 11:37:00", "tag_01": 1513.4624, "tag_02": 1490.107 }, { "TIME": "2021-06-17 15:42:00", "tag_01": 1499.028979191633, "tag_02": null }, { "TIME": "2021-06-17 15:43:00", "tag_01": 1470.2225841476657, "tag_02": null }, { "TIME": "2021-06-17 15:44:00", "tag_01": 1487.0528, "tag_02": 1508.5176 }, { "TIME": "2021-07-06 12:12:00", "tag_01": 1887.5, "tag_02": 1628 } ] } ] } } // return format = 1 { "status": "success", "data": { "calc_mode": "AVG", "columns": [ {"name": "TIME", "type": 5, "length": 4096}, {"name": "tag_01", "type": 20, "length": 17}, {"name": "tag_02", "type": 20, "length": 17} ], "samples": [ { "data": { "TIME": [ "2021-06-16 11:36:00", "2021-06-16 11:37:00", "2021-06-17 15:42:00", "2021-06-17 15:43:00", "2021-06-17 15:44:00", "2021-07-06 12:12:00" ], "tag_01": [ 1515.4806, 1513.4624, 1499.028979191633, 1470.2225841476657, 1487.0528, 1887.5 ], "tag_02": [ 1524.3684, 1490.107, null, null, 1508.5176, 1628 ] } } ] } }