What is MachLake?
MachLake is an API as a Service that provides a Micro-Data Lake.
The concept of Micro-Data Lake is a storage representing a data space that stores data of the edge with the same structure on Edge Computing.
However, there are times when all data cannot be stored at the edge due to various limitations of data processing required in the customer's Edge Computing environment, or must inevitably be transmitted to the cloud for data sharing.
In this case, MachLake can solve the cost and difficulty of processing your data very easily. This is because Micro-Data Lake in the cloud eliminates the need to install, maintain, or upgrade separate software for IoT data processing at the edge.
MachLake allows users to significantly lower the cost of maintaining huge amounts of IoT sensor data, which is very useful for their customers' application development.
MachLake is implemented through Machbase, the world's fastest time series DBMS which is ranked #1 on TPC.org and guarantee you the best performance.
Component of Machlake
User is the entity that manages multiple lakes. You can create as many lakes as you want, and you can store different types of sensor data indefinitely.
Lake is a repository that holds sensor data structures called tags and actual data called values. When data is inserted into this lake, the tag name which symbolize the name of the sensors and values are saved together. A typical single data is a set of value composed of (tag name, time, numerical value)
Tag is an object representing a specific sensor to be stored. Typically this tag has a "name" in the form of a string. And, this "name" is used as a delimiter to indicate where the actual data to be stored in the lake belongs.
For example, if there are two (A, B) sensors that indicate temperature in a specific device, the two tags will have the names of A and B respectively.
This tag must have a name expressed as a string, and if the user wants, more information can be given to the tag through additional columns.
Value must have a time and numeric value that actually constitutes the tag. Therefore, the minimum column input to Lake consists of tag name, input time, and numeric value, respectively. However, in some cases, the value of this tag is not one, but several, so the extended column can be configured as the user wants. However, the first tag value must be in the form of a number.