View Tag

View Tag

This API returns the details of the specified tag. User must specify the correct name for the tag_name variable.

HTTP Request












name of tag


Request Example

Response Example

Sample Code

In this sample, tag contains only sensor1, sensor2


chcp 65001 :: Text Encoding to UTF-8 in CMD :: Example For Get Tag View API by using curl in window script :: written by yeony kim :: sensor1, sensor2 is applied in lake set API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY set LAKE_ID=YOUR_LAKE_ID set CLOUD_VENDOR=YOUR_CLOUD_VENDOR set CLOUD_REGION=YOUR_CLOUD_REGION set CONTENT_HEADER="Content-Type: application/json" set API_HEADER="x-api-key: %API_KEY%" set URL="https://%CLOUD_VENDOR%.%CLOUD_REGION%.machlake.com/v1/lakes/%LAKE_ID%/tag" :: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: :: CASE - Get Tag Information set TAG_NAME=sensor1 curl -k -G %URL% -H %CONTENT_HEADER% -H %API_HEADER% \ --data-urlencode "name=%TAG_NAME%" :: Return Format / not exist tag name in lake :: { :: "success": true, :: "reason": "get tag meta success", :: "data": {"name": "sensor01"} :: } :: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: :: CASE - Get Tag Information when no exist tag name set TAG_NAME=wrong_name curl -k -G %URL% -H %CONTENT_HEADER% -H %API_HEADER% \ --data-urlencode "name=%TAG_NAME%" :: Return Format :: status code : 400 Bad Request :: { :: "success": false, :: "reason": "no such name : wrong_name" :: }


# Text Encoding to UTF-8 in CMD # Example For Get Lake View API by using curl in shell script API_KEY=$YOUR_API_KEY LAKE_ID=$YOUR_LAKE_ID CONTENT_HEADER="Content-Type:application/json" API_HEADER="x-api-key:$API_KEY" URL=https://api.machlake.com/v1/lakes/$LAKE_ID # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CASE - GET LAKE List curl -k -X GET $URL -H $CONTENT_HEADER -H $API_HEADER # Return Format # { # "success":true, # "reason":"get lake info success", # "data":{ # "lake_id":"xbcd0001", # "lake_info":{ # "lake_name":"sample_lake", # "lake_plan":"basic", # "lake_type":"N", # "region":"aws1.kor", # "timezone":"America/Los_Angeles", # "create_time":"2021-09-30 10:30:05", # "update_time":"2021-10-01 14:59:12" # }, # "lake_status":{ # "count_of_tag":128, # "count_of_value":123456, # "query_call":0, # "traffic":4743829, # "storage":3032870912, # "state":"running" # }, # "plan_limit":{ # "max_tag":1000, # "max_query":10000, # "max_disk":32212254720, # "max_concurrent":100000, # "limit_select_tag":1000, # "limit_select_value":100, # "limit_append_value":100, # "limit_append_tag":1000, # "default_tag_count":10000 # }, # "tag_schema":[ # { # "col_name":"name", # "col_type":"varchar", # "col_length":40 # } # ], # "value_schema":[ # { # "col_name":"time", # "col_type":"datetime" # }, # { # "col_name":"value", # "col_type":"double" # } # ] # } # }


// Example For Get Tag View API by using request in nodejs // process.env["NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 0; const API_KEY = "YOUR_API_TOKEN"; const LAKE_ID = "YOUR_LAKE_ID"; const CLOUD_VENDOR="CLOUD_VENDOR"; const CLOUD_REGION="CLOUD_REGION"; const URL = `https://${CLOUD_VENDOR}.${CLOUD_REGION}.machlake.com/v1/lakes/${LAKE_ID}/tag`; var request = require('request'); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // CASE - Get Tag Information request.get({ url: URL, qs: { name: "sensor1" }, headers: { "x-api-key": API_KEY }}, function(error, response, body) { console.log(body); // Return Format // { // "success": true, // "reason": "get tag meta success", // "data": {"name": "sensor01"} // } }) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // CASE - Get Tag Information when no exist tag name request.get({ url: URL, qs: { name: "wrong_name" }, headers: { "x-api-key": API_KEY }}, function(error, response, body) { console.log(body); // Return Format // status code : 400 Bad Request // { // "success": false, // "reason": "no such name : wrong_name" // } })


""" Example For Get Tag View API by using requests in python written by yeony kim """ import requests API_KEY = "YOUR_API_TOKEN" LAKE_ID = "YOUR_LAKE_ID" CLOUD_VENDOR="CLOUD_VENDOR" CLOUD_REGION="CLOUD_REGION" URL = f"https://{CLOUD_VENDOR}.{CLOUD_REGION}.machlake.com/v1/lakes/{LAKE_ID}/tag" headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "x-api-key": API_KEY } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CASE - Get Tag Information params = { "name": "sensor1" } response = requests.get(URL, headers=headers, params=params, verify=False) print(response.content.decode("utf-8")) # Return Format # { # "success": true, # "reason": "get tag meta success", # "data": {"name": "sensor01"} # } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CASE - Get Tag Information when no exist tag name params = { "name": "wrong_name" } response = requests.get(URL, headers=headers, params=params, verify=False) print(response.content.decode("utf-8")) # Return Format # status code : 400 Bad Request # { # "success": false, # "reason": "no such name : wrong_name" # }