Preparing Windows Environment for Installation

Preparing Windows Environment for Installation

Open Firewall Port

If you install Machbase in Windows, you must open the port that Machbase uses in the Windows Firewall.
In general, Machbase uses  two ports:  5656 and 5001 .

  1. To register the port on the  firewall , select Control Panel - Windows Firewall or Windows Defender Firewall. 
    On the Run screen, click the "Advanced Settings" menu.
  2. Under Advanced Settings, select Inbound Rules - New Rule and click.

  3. When the New Rule Setup Wizard window is displayed, select the Port option as shown below and click Next .
  4. Select the TCP(T) option , enter 5656,5001 in the Specific Local Ports field, and then click Next .
  5. Select the Allow The Connection option and click Next .
  6. Check Domain , Private , and Public and click Next .
  7. Complete the Name and Description fields, and then click Finish .

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