Lookup Table Utilization Example
Lookup Table Utilization Example
Create Lookup Table
The lookup table can be updated and is used to add data that is not in the original log data through a join. The following example shows an example of creating a log table and a lookup table.
-- Create log table. create table weblog (addr ipv4, msg varchar(100)); -- Input sample data. insert into weblog values ('', 'a test msessage'); -- Create lookup table. create lookup table dnslookup (addr ipv4 primary key, hostname varchar (100));
Let's insert or update the data in the lookup table.
insert into dnslookup values ('', 'localhost') on duplicate key update set hostname = ''
You can retrieve data from lookup tables and log tables through join.
select msg, hostname from weblog, dnslookup where weblog.addr = dnslookup.addr;
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