System/Session Management
This is the syntax for managing resources or changing settings on a per-session basis.
alter_session_sql_logging_stmt ::= 'ALTER SESSION SET SQL_LOGGING' '=' flag
Determines whether to leave a message in the Trace Log of the session.
You can use this message as a Bit Flag with the following values:
- 0x1: Parsing, Validation, Optimization.
- 0x2: It leaves the result of performing DDL.
That is, when the value of the corresponding flag is 2, only the DDL is logged, and when the flag is 3, the error and DDL are logged together.
Below is an example of changing the logging flag of the session and leaving error logging.
Mach> alter session set SQL_LOGGING=1; Altered successfully. Mach> exit
alter_session_set_defalut_dateformat_stmt ::= 'ALTER SESSION SET DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT' '=' date_format
Sets the default format for Datetime data types for this session.
When the server is started, the property DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT is set to the session attribute.
If the property of the property has not changed, the value of the session will also be "YYYY-MM-DD HH24: MI: SS mmm: uuu: nnn".
Use this command to modify the default format of a datetime datatype for a specific user, regardless of the system.
V$session has a default date format set for each session and can be checked. Below is an example of checking and changing the value of the session.
Mach> CREATE TABLE time_table (time datetime); Created successfully. Mach> SELECT DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT from v$session; default_date_format ----------------------------------------------- YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS mmm:uuu:nnn [1] row(s) selected. Mach> INSERT INTO time_table VALUES(TO_DATE('2016-11-11')); [ERR-00300 : Invalid date format or input string.([2016-11-11]:[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %0:%1:%2])] Mach> ALTER SESSION SET DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD'; Altered successfully. Mach> SELECT DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT from v$session; default_date_format ---------------------------------------------- YYYY-MM-DD [1] row(s) selected. Mach> INSERT INTO time_table VALUES(TO_DATE('2016-11-11')); 1 row(s) inserted. Mach> SELECT * FROM time_table; TIME ---------------------------------- 2016-11-11 [1] row(s) selected.
alter_session_set_hidden_column_stmt ::= 'ALTER SESSION SET SHOW_HIDDEN_COLS' '=' ( '0' | '1' )
Decides whether to output the hidden column (_arrival_time) in the column represented by * when executing the select of the session.
When the server is started, the value of the global property SHOW_HIDDEN_COLS is set to 0 for the session attribute.
If you want to change the default behavior of your session, you can set this value to 1.
V$session has a SHOW_HIDDEN_COLS value set for each session.
Mach> SELECT * FROM v$session; ID CLOSED USER_ID LOGIN_TIME SQL_LOGGING SHOW_HIDDEN_COLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT HASH_BUCKET_SIZE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 0 1 2015-04-29 17:23:56 248:263:000 3 0 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS mmm:uuu:nnn 20011 [1] row(s) selected. Mach> ALTER SESSION SET SHOW_HIDDEN_COLS=1; Altered successfully. Mach> SELECT * FROM v$session; _ARRIVAL_TIME ID CLOSED USER_ID LOGIN_TIME SQL_LOGGING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW_HIDDEN_COLS DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT HASH_BUCKET_SIZE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1970-01-01 09:00:00 000:000:000 1 0 1 2015-04-29 17:23:56 248:263:000 3 1 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS mmm:uuu:nnn 20011 [1] row(s) selected.
alter_session_set_feedback_append_err_stmt ::= 'ALTER SESSION SET FEEDBACK_APPEND_ERROR' '=' ( '0' | '1' )
Sets whether to send the session's Append error message to the client program.
Use the following values for the error message.
- 0 = Do not send an error message.
- 1 = Send an error message.
Below is an example of use.
mach> ALTER SESSION SET FEEDBACK_APPEND_ERROR=0; Altered successfully.
alter_session_set_hash_bucket_size_stmt ::= 'ALTER SESSION SET HASH_BUCKET_SIZE' '=' value
Sets the size of the hash table used to perform the GROUP BY or Distinct operation of the session.
If this value is set too large, memory usage will be heavy for each Hash operation. If too small, Hash bucket conflict will occur and query performance may be degraded.
It is recommended to specify the number of whole groups * 1.5 to 3.0.
Mach> ALTER SESSION SET HASH_BUCKET_SIZE=65536; Altered successfully. Mach> SELECT * FROM v$session; _ARRIVAL_TIME ID CLOSED USER_ID LOGIN_TIME SQL_LOGGING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW_HIDDEN_COLS DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT HASH_BUCKET_SIZE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1970-01-01 09:00:00 000:000:000 1 0 1 2015-04-29 17:23:56 248:263:000 3 1 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS mmm:uuu:nnn 65536 [1] row(s) selected.
alter_session_set_max_qpx_mem_stmt ::= 'ALTER SESSION SET MAX_QPX_MEM' '=' value
Specifies the maximum amount of memory that a single SQL statement in the session will use when performing GROUP BY, DISTINCT, ORDER BY operations.
If you try to allocate more memory than the maximum memory, the system cancels the execution of the SQL statement and treats it as an error.
In case of error, record the error code and error message in machbase.trc including the query.
Mach> ALTER SESSION SET MAX_QPX_MEM=1073741824; Altered successfully. Mach> SELECT * FROM v$session; ID CLOSED USER_ID LOGIN_TIME SQL_LOGGING SHOW_HIDDEN_COLS FEEDBACK_APPEND_ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT HASH_BUCKET_SIZE MAX_QPX_MEM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 324 0 1 2015-07-14 10:53:46 124:627:000 11 0 0 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS mmm:uuu:nnn 20011 1073741824 [1] row(s) selected. Mach>